Informacije spremljamo preko številnih medijev, kot so radio, televizija, tiskani mediji, splet. Slišeča populacija si težko predstavlja, za kaj vse so gluhi in naglušni v tem pogledu prikrajšani. Na Zvezi društev gluhih in naglušnih Slovenije smo se odločili, da bomo to pomanjkljivost poskusili odpraviti. Zato smo januarja 2007 ustanovili Spletno TV. Naši cilji so bili, zagotoviti informacije s podnapisi in z znakovnim jezikom. Ustvarjati vsebine s področja življenja in dela gluhih, naglušnih in gluhoslepih, ki jih ostale televizije ne vključujejo v svoje programe ter usposabljati lastne kadre.
We monitor information through many media, such as radio, television, print media, the Internet. The hearing population has a hard time imagining what all the deaf and hard of hearing are deprived of in this regard. At the Association of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Associations of Slovenia, we decided to try to eliminate this shortcoming. That is why we set up Web TV in January 2007. Our goals were to provide information with subtitles and sign language. Create content from the field of life and work of the deaf, hard of hearing and deafblind, which other televisions do not include in their programs, and train their own staff.